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DAWN: Dashboard for Agricultural Water use and Nutrient management - A predictive decision support system to improve crop production in a changing climate

报告专家:梁信忠 教授



主 持 人:袁星 教授



Agricultural producers are navigating increasingly complex decisions as they face increasing climate extremes, economic pressures, and environmental concerns. Local decisions such as crop choice, soil preparation, fertilizer use, and irrigation scheduling have aggregate impacts on water availability, agricultural productivity, nutrient use efficiency, and ecosystem health, cascading far beyond individual farms and watersheds. Likewise, local water availability/quality and soil health/productivity are inextricably linked to climate and agricultural practices both regionally and in teleconnected areas. Sustainable farm and water planning must consider not only local crop yields and socioeconomic drivers, but also competing user needs and multi-scale climate feedbacks, all of which impact regional water availability, quality, and usability. These concerns have created an urgent need for predictive earth system models that can support multiscale agricultural decisions while explicitly simulating interactions between the climate and agrohydrosystem. In particular, such models need to be capable of forecasting the occurrence and impacts of extreme events such as heat waves, droughts, and floods under nonstationary climate regimes. We therefore develop a predictive regional earth system model-based decision support Dashboard for Agricultural Water use and Nutrient management (DAWN) to sustain food and energy crop production. Our goal is to create infrastructure that combines advanced science and innovative technology to provide credible, usable information for agricultural producers and water managers in order to improve land, water, and fertilizer use synergies across multiple systems and scales. This talk will present the development and application of the DAWN system.



梁信忠,美国马里兰大学终身教授,美国气象学会会士(AMS Fellow),美国地球物理联合会会士(AGU Fellow)。主要从事数值模式发展及其在气候、环境领域应用等方面研究工作。开发了区域气候模式CMM5CWRF。在Science, Nature等期刊发表学术论文180余篇。担任Journal of ClimateJournal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres等期刊主编。





